
370 Raglan Street, Collingwood, ON L9Y 3Z1, Canada

Warranty Extensions:

A warranty extension is a program offered by the automaker to extend the duration of coverage for specific components or systems beyond the original warranty period. This extension is often provided in response to a known or potential issue that may arise after the standard warranty expires. Warranty extensions are not typically related to safety concerns but are aimed at addressing reliability or performance issues. The automaker may proactively notify vehicle owners about the warranty extension, and repairs or replacements related to the extended coverage are usually performed at authorized dealerships or authorized repair facilities.

With recent Diesel settlements, many manufacturers have created warranty extensions on these vehicles(some for up to ten years or 180,000 kms.  When a check engine light comes on in these vehicles it is most likely fully covered under the vehicle's warranty extension.  It is best to contact your dealer to see if your vehicle is eligible.

At Collingwood Fine Cars we often get asked if we can perform these repairs. We are always trying to have the client's best interests in mind, we recommend the clients to go to the dealer.  It's not because we are too busy or don't want to take the time. It's because we are specialists. we know that the dealer has these programs because they are trying to repair a fault they created.  This fault they created through their engineering and manufacturing process.

Why can't the client just pay us to diagnose instead of going all the way to the dealer as it is more convenient? 

We have heard time and time again about clients having warranty work done at the far-off dealer, leaving the dealership, and having the warning lights or issue reoccur again. Then frustrated having to go back multiple times. These repairs are difficult.  Some of these repairs can be tens of thousands of dollars. These subsequent warranty repairs are all covered financially at the dealer level. Those dealer employees and proprietors are reimbursed for their time spent and the parts used by the manufacturer. They have access to the engineers that are trying to fix the problems they created.

 Now picture Collingwood Fine Cars "the small family-run repair shop" having the same thing happen.  We would then be trying to fix the same warranty-covered problems that a multinational corporation created. We would also have to quote that job. If a problem arises afterward we would feel responsible. Who would be responsible financially then?  We get our repair information from the Manufacturer if they can't always fix it the first time with an engineer's help. How can we guarantee that we can? They have engineers whose only job is to fix one problem on one model designing the software or the repair part. We can't in good conscience take your money to repair something we know to be problematic from the beginning and is a free repair elsewhere although inconvenient.

We want to fix all vehicle problems properly with minimal come-backs and with these warranty extensions, we require the client to visit the dealer.  If you are due for a service and have an engine-related issue that is likely covered under a type of warranty, we recommend that you visit the dealer first. Once they repair the vehicle we will gladly perform the service or you can have it done at the dealer at the same time.  But having us perform the service first would be a liability for the vehicle, you the owner and our reputation.  We sincerely apologize for these perceived inconveniences but we are only trying to take care of your vehicle's best interests.  After all, that's the business we are in.